
Reporting a Suspected Code Violation

Suspected code violations are investigated by city Code Enforcement Department. If you see a suspected code violation in your neighborhood or around the city, call us at 956-432-0300

Does your Property Comply?

The city is committed to working with you to ensure that your property complies with all applicable standards.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Code Enforcement Department:

  • Phone – 956-432-0300

Violations Handled by Other City Departments

Police (956)432-0303

  • Vehicles creating traffic hazard
  • Parking in a right of way
  • Loud music, noise
  • Abandoned vehicles (on a roadway)

Fire Department (956)-432-0306

  • Illegal burning
  • Suspected fire hazards

Permits Department (956)432-0300

  • Construction, Building and Remodeling without a permit

Animal Control Department (956)432-0300

  • Animal complaints (loose animals, barking dogs etc.)
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